“ethics experts” and coming to terms with enjoying flattery

Been a bit since the last blog entry. Let’s see, what happened…. – mostly I guess I got into a routine.
Today I went to a debating circle (club) only to discover nobody is there – *shrug*. Yep, I’m so desperate for some political interaction I went to a debating club. I’m sleeping weird hours here. 6pm till 11pm and 5am till 12am was the times the other day.

Today a professor (probably western) is opening the universities first political circle. So that’s a good thing. Will do that in a few hours.

ate my roo meat. Ordered more. Funny story – Brazilian friend of mine tried some, and loved it. So he ordered 6.85kg of it which we hacked at for the better part of an hour in order to fit into his freezer. Now I’m having a boomerang sent over from Australia – so I might be missing Australia a bit.

I am taking two subjects this quarter, both business subject. The better on regarding Organisational behaviour. Both of them require lots of teamwork. For one I must write a 5000 word essay in a group of 4. Sigh…
Although studying business is interesting. I think in some regards they are silly and in others less so. All this rationality nonsense, they don’t touch that poisoned fruit. They seem to be happy with being practical about this: humans are XYZ and we need to work with that to make good business decisions. So we learned about cognitive biases and the such. However they do have some silly idea on how ethics works. In the business class the teacher spoke in a serious voice and generally giving the sense that this is a respectable thing of “ethics experts”. That’s it. That’s the punchline. And I’m just sitting there gawking at her as she speaks of this. So she looks at me. And I ask: “how do you become an ethics expert? See because I studied philosophy for 3 years and this is the first time I hear the term.”

It was astounding. That whole episode was full of amazing things. Like when the teacher repeatedly and unintentionally kept defining the term Rights with the word Rights. Or after I had found myself explaining numerous logical problems with several arguments the teacher asks me “are you suggesting companies shouldn’t care about ethics?”

But it is fun seeing the economy from the other side. Amusingly, they seem to think they are the agents of moral change (from my other business class on business ethics) . Kind of like if there is a culturally accepted ethical violation in a business it will go away because a middle manger guy decided it will by standing up and questioning the system. Instead of all that nonsense they should teach them how to effectively rat on their bosses and cartel laws so they can help the state do its job. They seem to be completely unaware how economic incentives affect life & businesses. In a way looking at economics study from the outside has made me revisit some of its less idiotic elements. 

But a large portion of my time is spent reading my own stuff. Which would be much easier if my internet wasn’t shit. Which is a surprise considering I’m in Japan.

I miss language. I already went through the whole “being illiterate in a new country” thing. I assure you it is not a good time. Now I get to do it again except this time I can hardly tell if its Japanese, Vietnamese, Chinese, Korean or w/e. and same with the people btw – bloody exhausting .

got to know the humans whose room is located close to my-own. Are they “Friends”?  – people from home keep asking me. Depends how you define that word. Personally I see little point in doing so. It doesn’t seem like a useful activity. But I have a bad attitude to demarcation.   

Handed in my essay to the thinktank. If I win I get 3000$. More then what I earned doing a month of basic training in the army. I want to win. Less for the money and more for the fame. I have to accept that I enjoy recognition, compliments and flattery – so if you are trying to win me over, try that.

Ask for a copy if you want to hear my take on Australian democracy & ideas for improving it.

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