last day before classes start.

First day of classes tomorrow. My classes for my first quarter (semester is split into 2 quarters in which different subjects are taken each quarter.)  are :
Law, media and society
business ethics
Organisational Behaviour

and second quarter I got another 4th estate related subject. Just preemptively bow down now before the king of the 4th estate.

burned my hand taking a pot back to my room after checking if a pot works on our stove.  It does. Spent the next while petting a frozen dead chicken.

Speaking of helpful dead flesh – ordered my kangaroo. 500g of tail and almost 2kg of rump – mmmmmmm

continued the great Australian tradition of telling foreigners about dropbears and wolfspiders. Either I’m very good at lying or these Japanese people are very gullible because I made up some insane things and they bought it all. so if you meet any Japanese people who ask you about the sawed off shotguns we walk around with for self protection and the 3 meter long trees in the suburbs where dropbears attack people thinking there are food and sometimes break their shoulders and collar bones – maybe its my doing. (told them its a ruse later)

had a quite hysterical moment when my Japanese floor-mates who are studying Korean were mocking the language in-front of me.  On group talking gibberish mocking another gibberish language in gibberish.  In other news Korean pop (called K pop here) is really poplar here.

I had recently participated in the odd cardboard washing and drying ritual, without even thinking about it. The power of Social institutions…

joined the Kyudo club (archery). This is one of the many many clubs that exist on campus. participation is all clubs is 100% free and involves, in many cases, uniforms, drums, swords ect…
Nobody I have asked appears to know where the money is coming from. they almost appeared confused that i care I’ll add it to the long list of things I need to find out before I leave.

Kyudo is 6 hours a week – I’m way too excited for everyone’s safety .about gaining this skill.

I am not dealing with the lack of civil society here. People just do not speak about worldly matters here. Joke is i should have expected this because I actually read about this; Japan is one of the few cases of a functioning democracy with a very weak civil society. (more like bloody invisible)

4 thoughts on “last day before classes start.

  1. D

    1. k pop is really good you should try it, i like it and so do some of my friends
    2. that Kyudo thing sounds really cool! send me a photo of you wearing a white robe and yoga pants while playing ginormous drums please 😛


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