Strange happenings and general occurences

Strange things happen here on a regular basis – I just share the highlights. This instance was downright astounding. So generally speaking every month we are supposed to have a floor meting. A bit lame but w/e. Turns out a central aim of this floor meeting is to do a quiz. What quiz? Perhaps something to encourage some political knowledge to compensate for the fact the is no civil society here? Maybe some general knowledge quiz to inject some worldly knowledge into the general discourse?

Alas instead the 15 – 20min quiz was a garbage quiz. Making sure we know where to place different items. There appears to be no logic behind the placement of the rubbish. some Plastic is burned. Other plastic products are not. It got to the point the questions spoke of specific products like a Pringles Tube.  But honestly my natural tendency to question the way people do things here has weakened as it seems like I’m just collecting questions with no hope of getting answers.

For example – attitudes to sex and the reality of life here are two very different things. On the one hand conversations, humour and the such seem to be indicative of an opinion that sex is not for the public sphere. On the other hand the sex Hotels (there is a graveyard themed one), schoolgirl uniformed prostitutes being normal and a groping problem on trains so bad they implemented separate train carriages for each sex to inhabit if they so choose, wouldn’t this indicate of a much more liberal experimental mindset on the matter? Weird sods.

Actually “weird sods” has become a sentence I have resorted to quite a bit here. Along with “MERICA!” which is vital for expressing my feelings regarding some of the things I hear from my American friends. Most disturbing of all is that 3 out of 3 asked report that leaving home for them was when they left their state to the state from which the would fly to Japan from – not when they left the country. They seem to see the other states inhabitants as foreigners – creepy.

began classes. Surprisingly the subject I was most looking forward to on Law, media and society I dropped due to the unsatisfactory nature of the performance of my lecturer, to put things politely. On the other hand I am now happily enjoying two business subject – a politics and economics student. I walk around amongst the business students feeling like a spy and lolling at all the things I’m learning about how businesses operate that many economists seem ignorant of.

Got my meat – kangaroo meat. The full glory of this will hit me later on when I eat it. Unfortunately I buy food with my eyes so I didn’t have room for it in my fridge so I had to invade the fridge of my little Brazilian friend. On this topic I may or may not be permanently shaping the way the Japanese people’s opinions of Australian eating habits. By the time I leave too many of the shy little Asians will be walking the earth with the false Idea an Australian eats mostly Potatoes, semi raw meat , kangaroo meat and raisins in average day.

been enjoying my archery although looking at Australian regulation it seems my dream of killing a kangaroo with a bow and arrow is much more complicated then I first envisaged – cross that bridge when I reach it.

found a live crab in the supermarket. I will upload a video of this and of my strange experience with the garbage quiz after I post this.  Also it turns out that its perfectly normal for study time to be midnight in Japan.

Japan is the only country where the fish is raw and the towels cooked the Japanese/Brazilian minority saying goes.  I agree – a baffled razi thought after receiving a warm towel in a restaurant where he sat on the floor on a pillow with his legs in a hole under the floor. Its also a country where daily life and organisation is one differently. On a daily basis I interact with the potential gains of intergovernmental cooperation on the local/ menial levels. It sure would be nice to know how the Japanese get their buses to always be on time right down to the minute.

last point I leave to the personal realm. It appears there is a 6 out of 6 consensus amongst my peers that I am “too facts oriented”. Naturally were someone to label me as “facts oriented” I would be flattered – but “too facts oriented” suggests there is a level of facts orientation that is excessive. This is clearly absurd. As such I will ignore this mass delusion and continue life.

p.s I generally don’t give relationship advice on mass but bumped into this graph in my Organizational Behaviour business class on the workers choices when in a workplace he is not happy with. Apparently a large proportion of unhappy workers simply remain loyal for extended periods of time instead of being more active on the matter. This was certainly not what my lecturer thought was in everyone’s (employer and employee’s) best interest. Make of it what you will for your private lives.






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