New Habits, girlfaces and the end of quarter.

So I’m out of roo. My Brazilian friend who bought 6.85kg is still hacking away at it but all of mine is gone. But I restocked on all my other foodstuffs. See my eating habits here are something odd even by my standards: several mandarins, 6 or 5 eggs, a single meat (roo, chicken, beef) eaten uncontaminated by the mixing of ingredients , frozen raisins and frozen dark chocolate. This is what I eat on a normal day. she’ll be right.

On the theme of different habits: i heard a lot of people here complain about loneliness and boredom. So its very possible I am having a radically difference experience of Japan from most people here on exchange. Most of my time is spent doing academic/ gaming stuff in my room and I’m fine. We have internet, how can anyone be bored?

Got my two tubes of Vegemite and boomerang. So I will find an opportunity soon to fuck around with the boomerang but, more importantly, it turns out Vegemite is disgusting. It is utterly revolting. So now two Japanese persons gratefully received tubes of Vegemite imported from Australia. My good deed for the year.

Am finishing first quarter now. The semester is divided into two quarters here, where different subjects are taken each quarter. So I just finished my last lectures of Business ethics (didn’t learn much) and Organisational behavior (A++) . I will definitely be implementing what I learned from the latter in building up my PPE club.

It is reasonable to be cautious when generalizing from personal experience about a culture. So it is reasonable to assume that if Everyone I meet in Japan is of the opinion that anime is mainstream here and it appears that it is popular in the city I am that it can be concluded it probably is the case that in Japan, as a whole, anime is popular + stereotype is evidence.  However if I meet one Japanese person who likes knitting it is not sufficient basis to generalize to all of Japan. in between these two we must make generalizations with varying degrees of caution about a culture/ country/ peoples.

With this caution in mind I am starting to get the impression that there is something particularly… submissive about the girls here. Maybe submissive is the wrong word. Maybe recluse, shy or restrained are better words. It feels almost like they are suppressing their personality to some extent, beyond the way we all do. I don’t like it. That having been said, It is hard to expect there would be much academic conversation here if this was not the case here, but this is certainly not helping solve my dilemma.  

I also met my first Mormon and my first lesbian. It’s like Alice in wonderland meeting all these strange creatures from the books she read in her real life. Like the other day I figured if we can get the short people here to do a dance/ song and no matter what the dance is I will be constantly thinking of the lollipop guild song.

Today I saw a European girl knock on the table instead of clap. I asked – apparently it’s a normal thing in her land. Also Europeans, statistically speaking, drink lots of coffee. Like 7 or 5 cups a day is not  considered a point where it is reasonable to say “you are a freak who needs rehab” in Europe.

Actually this trip has been a gateway to American culture as well as to other cultures. Let’s just say stereotypes exist for a reason.

Got bored with archery a while back btw so I stopped.

Also turns out gyms here have no punching bags….


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